Monday, December 31, 2007

Alto From Crockett on Texas 21 A Triangle Shaped Object With Red Lights

Posted: December 31, 2007

Date: February 12, 2004 Time: 2:20 a.m.

Hello: Say something similar months back on Texas highway 21 between Crockett and Alto, Texas. Very clear night object moving slowly northwest to southeast, maybe a couple of thousand feet. hear turboprop whine.

Additional Information:

February 12, 2004 2:20 am. I was returning from a conference in Austin; I was driving to Alto from Crockett on Texas 21 from U.S. 190 in Bryan.

Texas 21 from Crockett to Alto goes through the Big Thicket. In the daytime, it is a beautiful drive; at night, it is eerie, but deserted of trucks. I was stopped just past Weches after the woods end, I had pulled over at the Caddo mounds state park (a very large clearing) to get a new book-on-tape from the back seat when I heard a very low-flying turbine powered aircraft. The object was definitely a triangle with red lights, an was moving at a relatively slow speed. (I believe that there was some moonlight, but I cannot be sure, and I have not checked the tables. There likely were some clouds in what I would call the moderate overcast category. Visibility was about ten miles. Some light from Tyler, about 50 miles off was reflected in the clouds)

The craft was enormous; I would estimate that the object was two hundred feet from light to light. It was moving relatively off to the southeast. (I had a small Silva compass in the car and got a rough bearing.) I think the object may have boomer-rang shaped as it passed under cloud formations and was apparently giving off some light from its topside. It appeared to be tilted slightly off the horizontal.

Interestingly, the gas station attendant in Alto (about 9 miles away) said that they see the same thing all of the time, often in multiples which hover. (The Space Shuttle disintegrated over Alto, by the way. as I was at the same gas station on another trip)

I looked at a UFO reporting sight recommended to me by a client, Mr. Nicholas Redfern. There were reports later in that same early morning from the nw suburbs of Houston of a similar object. The reports seem to be in a straight line from where I was. Also, a couple of web sites have speculation about a surveillance vehicle that looks about the same as what I saw, projected into the night sky.

Hope this helps.

Thank you to the witness for the report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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