Sunday, December 30, 2007

Kirkland, Washington State Blazing Sphere Of Energy My Experience (Graphic)

Posted: December 30, 2007

Date: May, 1984 Time: Early a.m.

Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Sphere.

Full Description of event/sighting: Blazing Sphere Of Energy - my experience.

In 1984, about May, I had a very bizarre night-time experience that involved a blazing, extremely bright white ball of light that made hissing, electrical sounds. At this time I was living alone in a ground level apartment in a 5-plex unit. I abruptly woke up sometime in the early AM. As I sat up in my bed I could see an unusually bright light glowing through my bedroom window. My first thought was that the apartment building was on fire! I shot out of bed and tried the light switches, but the electricity in my unit was off. I checked the electrical panel in my bedroom closet and everything was 'on' but still there was no power. After quickly jumping into some pants, I raced outside expecting to see the other residents of the building outside, equally as alarmed as I was.

Nobody else was outside, and I couldn't see any indication of a fire in our building. But in the neighbor's yard there was a ball of intensely bright, white light right next to the outer wall of the house. About 5 to 6 feet in diameter, it made loud crackling noises. I had to peer over the fence to see it, and was amazed that the house wasn't on fire because of what was apparently a severe electrical malfunction of some kind. The brightness of this white ball of light was enough to light up the entire backyard of the neighbor's house and shine light over to my residence. I stood barefooted, mesmerized by this incredibly bright ball of light, trying to make some kind of sense out of it.

At some point, I inexplicably seem to have lost interest in this matter and went back to my apartment and went back to sleep. The next morning, I woke up and immediately went outside to check for fire damage. There was none! The electrical power was back on and the strange events of the previous night had no demonstrable effect - other than in my memory. I walked around the parking lot of our building and looked down to the blackberry and weed infested edge of the lot. Weirdly, I mentally pictured a rusted out wreck of an old car that was abandoned in this area. But this was crazy, there wasn't any such thing in evidence. But I couldn't shake off the impression that a car had somehow ended up in this corner of the property.

A little time after this experience, the weeping willow tree on the neighbor's lot near the blazing, crackling white ball of light began to die. A few months later it was cut down.

Additional Information:

There were dogs and cats in this neighborhood but, as I recall, all was silent during this event except for the hissing-crackling noise of the ball of light. I was really transfixed by this bright light and it pretty much had my attention riveted to it.

No aircraft, at least none that I noticed.

This was a very spooky experience and I felt shaken by it -- still do, actually -- particularly because of the weird impression that an abandoned old car was parked in the weeds in the corner of our lot. Just as I'm writing this I have the feeling that I walked (barefooted!) down to this area (see attached diagram) to approach this car. My recollection is that it was rounded in shape, hence the vague image of a 1940ish automobile, and had a door missing. Boy, I'm now recalling someone trying to convince me to come down to the 'car'. I protested because of the blackberries and the fact that I didn't have shoes on! There was a sort of tug-o-war of willpower taking place.

To view graphics:

Thank you to the witness for the interesting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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