Sunday, March 2, 2008

About 1 Mile South Of Cottage Grove, Oregon Triangle In Shape - Blue Lights

Posted: March 2, 2008

Date: February 25, 2008
Time: Approx: 7.00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangle shape.
Weather Conditions: Pretty clear.

Description: Me and my mother were coming back from Eugene, Oregon and had stopped at Cottage Grove for dinner. We got back on the freeway driving southbound for about a mile and we seen off to the left of us a big blue flashing light it had 3 points like a triangle shape and the light patterns would change. It was very slow moving and low to the ground. We pulled off the side off the freeway to get a better look and I remembered I had a camera phone. So my mom took a picture. The picture came out kind of blurry and dark, but you can see the shape of something there.

It was not moving very fast at al, .so we just watched it trying to figure out what it was! Then we saw someone else was pulled over on the other side of the freeway going northbound. So we thought they were looking at it to. Then that car came up the freeway and crossed over to us and pulled in behind us and it was a police officer. He asked what we were doing and my mother said don't you see that big blue flashing light and he said no, I don't see anything.and said we had to leave now and could not stay in the area. I thought it was strange how we got ran off and I know for a fact he saw it!

TV/Radio I did not see anything on TV or the radio as I listened and looked. I was wanting to know what it was we saw and if anybody else had seen it.
The freeway was very busy that night.

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

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