Friday, July 11, 2008

UFO Sighting Reports From HBCC UFO Research & UFOINFO (July 11, 2008)

Posted: July 11, 2008

Release Date: July 11, 2008

HBCC UFO Research Note: Please note that the newsletters will hold sighting reports from HBCC UFO Research and UFOINFO This should make a big difference in the number of sighting reports we both can bring to you. Hope you enjoy.

Also you can join for free the HBCC UFO Research newsletter by going to the following link and signing up.


Eugene, Oregon A Pizza Shaped UFO

Date: 1962
Time: N/A.

Well, hello Mr. Vike. I listened to your radio program earlier tonight (first time) and felt encouraged enough that I decided to finally tell about an event that took place many years ago, in 1962, when I was ten years old. To my knowledge, no-one outside my immediate family except for my husband knows of this. The others in my family want to pretend nothing ever happened, even though we spent many hours talking about it in years long gone. School had just recently started back up, and my oldest sister (13 years old, 7th grade ) had to go to the library in town to research something for class. My mother had picked us all up when school let out and drove directly to there. We were inside, probably an hour or so. When we stepped out to the parking lot, there were about 8 to 13 people in various areas of the parking area, the sidewalk, and the bicycle rack, all looking up, some pointing.

We looked up and saw a small silver (or white, or light grey) pizza shaped craft in the air, not high up at all. Maybe 200 feet. (I climbed 200 foot Douglas Fir trees all the time back then, so I could judge the distance pretty well ). It made no noise, had no lights, no visible seams, no windows, no markings whatsoever. We watched for a few minutes and then got in our car and left. The day was clear blue sky, unlike an average day in that particular area of that particular state. From the library, we drove straight west about 4 miles, where we turned to go south 8 more miles to home.

Before we made that left turn to go south, we noticed the air-object-thing was also going west parallel to us. We turned left and so did it. It was pacing our car and at that time, we realized it had an interest in us. And so then we were all terrified. So much so, that my Mother let me sit on the open window of the back passenger door to watch and report on it. Normally, she wouldn't even let us have a window open. The car was a 1961 white Pontiac Tempest Station Wagon. (It was new, and so helps me to date this incident). My mother was driving, my 12 year old sister next to her in the front seat, and my 13 year old sister beside the passenger side window. (pecking order in full effect). In the back seat, behind mother, was my 9 year old brother. In the middle, my 7 year old brother, and in the rear, package compartment area was my youngest brother, 5. No seatbelts back then! I was clutching the little rain gutter above the outside of the door, my legs from the knees down inside the car and the rest of me outside.

The silver thing was nearly directly overhead at that point. We were about 4 miles from our house still. We had just cleared a fairly high hill and was on the downward side. Not one other car in site. The object was spookily silent and the more we slowed, the more it did, so I think that my mother, panicking, decided to speed up to get home before it "got us". But none of us knows from that point on. We don't remember getting home, don't remember the thing leaving, nothing. I haven't talked to anyone in my family for over ten years except for the one brother who is just a year younger than me. After 10 years, I finally talked to him last fall. I asked what he remembered and he said just that all us girls were really hysterically excited in the car that day. My mother had called the airport but learned nothing. She called the news or it was in the paper the next day, I don't clearly remember.

What was reported is that, some university kids had put a candle into a balloon, and that's what everyone saw! I was young, but not stupid and that explanation was ludicrous. My arms are clumsily numb, so please forgive my crude illustrations. The first picture, I tried to represent the tree-line that was about 50 feet off the western side of the paved highway. Most of the trees were second growth timber that averaged 150 to 200 feet tall. They were thick, and went back undisturbed by any houses for 4 miles or so. There weren't any houses on either side of the highway and none could be seen from there. The triangle shape was twice the height of the trees (at most) during that stretch of the road. It stayed towards "my side" of the car (western side) while still being up. It may have been 30 feet long on the sides and 15 across the back.( an isosceles triangle, I guess). The skinny point was aimed the same direction as our car. The sun was down low behind the trees, but with plenty of light. It hadn't started to get dark yet. No glares of light or anything. Well, that's it for now. I am afraid that something happened but I don't know what ! Sincerely. (name removed)

Additional Information:

It started at the Eugene Public Library in Eugene, Oregon. It's a University town and the library was close to the whole University of Oregon complex. From the library, the street to head home on, is 11th Ave., which becomes West 11th headed towards Fern Ridge Dam and the small town of Veneta, Oregon. The Airport is also out there, and the speedway (race-track), to the North of W. 11th. When we turn to head South, I believe that piece of the road was called Bailey Hill Road (that's what we called it). And that's the name of the Hill we had to cross over.

(It was a high spot that we used to park on to see the fireworks-- but usually was too cloudy and rainy to see much). After the area where the "event" occurred, about 4 miles away from W. 11th, we meet up with Lorane Highway, and 4 miles further is where our house was. Where something (or nothing) happened, was only about 1/4 to 1/2 mile on the town side of our grade school, where we had been picked up from earlier, and had to pass by to get home. It's called Twin Oaks Elementary School. At that point, only my oldest sister went into town to school, to the middle school, which was Jefferson Jr. High.

We had just bought the station wagon that year, and we didn't have it long, because my mother, driving us home from the drive-in late, late at night, hit a deer and totaled it out. I don't think we had it but for a year , less than two. There were some odd things happen that may or not be connected with this encounter. The one that springs to mind right now took place in the woods about 1/2 mile to 3/4 mile behind our property. Me and my brothers were hiking/exploring (I was always the leader on our adventures). We came to an area that was a meadow like clearing in the forest. There was a waterfall coming "out of nowhere" that disappeared behind a seemingly new, chain link fence. That was unusual but what really interested us was an area of twisted metal and some skulls 5 to 7, I think,that lay there amongst them. It was clear there had been an old road there at one point, so a wreck was what we thought. However they weren't human skulls, so we told ourselves goats! But they didn't look anything like goat skulls, and closer to human.

Our place was a goat-farm prior to us buying it (in 1958) and there were a lot of goat skulls in a wooden enclosure down by our pasture. And our neighbor still had a goat herd, so we definitely knew what a goat skull looked like. There seemed to be at least two tangled vehicles in the crash, and it seemed like it had been there a long time. So the new-looking fence around that mysterious water falls was even more of a mystery. We got spooked out and left. We tried to re-find it years later but with no luck. By that time, I had convinced myself that it was some moonshiners who'd wrecked or had a shootout back there on that hidden road, sometime years earlier (30 or so). And maybe the "fake?" waterfall was part of a whiskey-still set-up. (I think that was my father's idea when we told him about it). I talked to brother #2 sometime around 1994, and he remembered the odd skulls and what he described as a wrecked flat bed truck. (This isn't the same brother that I talked to about the 1962 event-- that was bro.#1). while we were remembering (still trying to figure the oddities out, as adults) he mentioned a symbol that was "given" to him and really important to him. He assumed I had the same one, but when I didn't guess his the first time, he wouldn't tell me anymore. So, I don't know what he was talking about, although it seemed linked to this strange stuff. (I do have a mark that appeared suddenly. It looks like a birthmark, and isn't a scar, and is so faded it's nearly impossible to see now.) So, now you can see why I haven't shared this sort of stuff with anyone besides my kids and husband. Too Weird! Well, anyway, hope life is treating you good. Sincerely.

Thank you to the eyewitness for sharing this amazing story with me and for the wonderful diagrams that were done up. Just excellent !

HBCC UFO Research -


Beausejour, Manitoba A Silver Angular Shaped UFO

Date: 1965/1966
Time: Night

Number of witnesses: 3 when distant, 1 when near.
Number of objects: 1

Hi. I have a story to submit if I could be anonymous.

I have read a post from Windsor, Ontario, 1960s, as this was about the time of my own sighting. It was near Beausejour, Manitoba, approximately 1965 or 1966, as I remember I was about 6 years old and could barely see above the window sill of our farmhouse.

There were unusual lights in the sky that night, far in the distance and my mom and dad watched them from our house for a minute or two before my parents left to go back to the kitchen. I stood there watching and eventually the lights started approaching. I remember seeing a silver angular shaped craft which I can see clearly in my mind, begin to lower itself over a telephone pole across the road near the neighbors driveway.

Similar to the description from Windsor, Ontario, it had a circle of lights, multicolored, on the bottom of the craft, spinning in a circle, as if the whole underside of the craft was rotating. It hovered there for quite some time and I remember yelling for my parents to come back to see it now, but they said something like, "we already have seen it." I stared at it for quite some time and I clearly remember thinking that I will remember this for the rest of my life, even though I was very young.

The craft was silver colored and had clear angular corners and hovered without noise for quite some time. Eventually, I have no idea how long later, it began to rise up and slowly progress to the middle of the sky where suddenly it shot across the sky at a speed I could not imagine being from any plane I had ever saw. It was clear to me even as a child this was incredibly fast. I believe there were sightings in Beausejour area in the 60s and once I saw an ad in the local paper as an adult for anyone with sightings in this area from the 60s to write. I did not respond to the ad but always regret that.

My mother to this day remembers the night was watched the far away lights in the sky and that I excitedly tried to get them to return to the window but they refused. Hope this is of interest to someone.



Port Renfrew Vancouver Island, British Columbia Sasquatch Sighting

Date: Summer 2004
Time: Midday.

Location of Sighting: Port Renfrew Vancouver Island
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Sasquatch.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian! I just read the post about that Sasquatch sighting in Port Renfrew; the same thing happened to me in the summer of 2004. We had a mineral claim up an abandoned logging road just outside the village of Port Renfrew. One afternoon, I was alone at the trailer, my husband was working. I had to go to work myself in the afternoon, so I got in the truck and started driving down the old road. Not even a 100 meters away, I saw what at first I thought to be a bear, because we knew there was a big and also a smaller bear hanging in the area. So I started to stop the truck. It had come out of the bush from the left side of the road, where the land drops quit a bit, and when it got in the middle of the road, it froze, seeing my truck coming. Then he bolted towards the other side of the road, where there was a rock face.

There's actually an animal trail going up that rock, and also another abandoned road on top of it which is totally over grown. I remember freezing myself, because my brain couldn't understand what I was seeing. It was impossible a bear could just come out of the bush, standing up, walk on the road and then start running, still standing on two legs, and hop up the trail! It was dark brown, about 7 foot tall, walked like a man. I could see it clearly because by the time I stopped the truck, it wasn't even 20 meters away and it was on very a bright day. I saw it's face when it turned around to look at the truck. It really did look like Sasquatch depictions I have seen up to now. I remember getting of the truck and checking the road and up the trail if I could see anything. But I didn't find anything. I didn't hear or saw it again afterwards.

Thank you to the witness for a awesome sighting of the Sasquatch.

HBCC UFO Research -


East Toronto, Ontario - City Of Toronto Police Officer Witnesses A Huge UFO

Date: Fall 2004
Time: Approx: 2:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: East Toronto.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Large gold ball glowing no tail.

HBCC UFO Research Note: The police officer mentioned that he texted his radio dispatcher by way of the computer enquiring if any other reports had been received over the object he witnessed. The dispatcher confirmed that some other folks had made calls over the sighting. So if anyone remembers back and had seen this object would they please contact Brian at Thank you.

Full Description of event/sighting: I am a Police officer employed by the City of Toronto Ontario. I have been so employed 29 years. In the Fall of 2004 in the afternoon I was assigned the traffic enforcement detail. To do this I use a Laser speed measuring device. In the afternoon I was on a major north south road in the city's east end. I was seated inside my parked auto facing north. I was looking at the heavily overcast skies when something caught my eye. I looked directly overhead and saw a large golden orb. It glowed but had no discernable tail. It was within the clouds but the bottom of the orb was slightly lower and visible. The clouds were low, but I could tell this object was huge. It moved northbound at a high rate of speed causing a wake in the clouds. I could see it was indeed an orb from a distance before it went out of sight. In 4 - 6 seconds it was gone.

After several minutes I texted my radio dispatcher by way of the computer and asked if there were any calls for a meteor or lights in the sky. The dispatcher after several minutes confirmed some calls did come in regarding lights in the sky. I kept my sighting to myself and made no report to my superiors. I fully expected something in the evening news about a meteor in the sky. There were no news reports to my knowledge. Before this incident I had little interest in UFO sightings etc.

Thank you to the officer for the very interesting report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Kelowna, British Columbia Lights Groups Together

Date: June 15, 2008
Time: Approx: 10:00 - 10:30 p.m.

Mr. Vike: I'm not sure if you received my first e-mail so I am writing again. I would really like an answer (although I understand some things are not explainable) to what I saw. On the evening of June 15, 2008 I was working at the Kelowna Golf and Country Club which backs onto Dilworth Mountain. It was approximately 10:00-10:30pm and weather conditions that night were clear. There were two other employees present sitting on the back deck that looks over the course and Dilworth Mountain is the back drop. I was inside when one of the employees came rushing in and told me I needed to come out side and see "this". I went outside and quickly glanced up towards the mountain. I saw four lights which, each of these lights appeared to be three lights grouped together, 1 large and two smaller right beside the larger.

Three of the orbs were in a triangle formation about mid-way down the back of Dilworth Mountain. There was a fourth that was lower than the other three. We stood and watched them for approximately five minutes. Two of the orbs started to rise slowly and seemed to merge together, we commented how it looked like they were going to crash into each other. After merging they moved upward. The third did the same and all of them eventually disappeared. The fourth orb moved more slowly upward then stopped and sent out tendrils of lights. Interestingly enough another employee of the club who wasn't working that night had gone out for a walk up Crawford Road. He saw the lights come in from the northeast and line up in a row before moving into the triangle formation. Then he saw everything we did after that.

One strange thing that stands out is that three out of the four of us who saw it didn't seem to remember it until it was mentioned to us. My wife had asked me the next day if I had told our son and I didn't know what she was talking about until she mentioned it. Two of the other witnesses mentioned this memory issue as well. You would think after witnessing such an event it would be foremost in your mind. I would like to mention that up until that night I thought all this UFO stuff was kind of crap but I definitely saw something that I cannot explain. I would love to hear from you regarding this if you can spare the time to e-mail me or phone me. Sincerely.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Minden, Ontario A Meteor Shaped Object With Yellow Tail Following

Date: June 30, 2008
Time: Approx: 11:45 p.m.
Myself and 7 others also saw a meteor shaped object June 30 at 11:45 ish in Minden, Ontario when out for a boat cruise on Gull Lake. We saw a large green glowing ball shape seen for about 10 seconds, low in the sky travelling from east to west with a long yellow tail that left a streak in the sky for an hour plus. Beautiful and much more colorful, longer lasting and larger than the usually viewed shooting star. Would love to hear from any astronomers who know what this was.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Fairford, Gloucestershire Roughly 10 Objects

Date: June 30, 2008
Time: 03:29

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: Hard to say moving so fast, 10?
Shape of objects: Globe
Weather Conditions: Very clear.

Description: When I looked out of the bedroom window I saw a very bright light, not sure what it was in my sleepy state went and got my glasses. Wow! what I saw was like fireworks coming out of this light, which I must say I thought was the morning star, but what were these white globes doing moving so fast in and out of the light, darting around back and forth up and down, it was amazing.I have no idea what I witnessed, but if you have an explanation I
would be very grateful. One thing did cross my mind, we have The Royal International Air Tatoo here every year do think there is some

TV/Radio: I could not find any even though I looked.



Tribune Bay, British Columbia A Cylindrical Shaped Object

Date: July 1, 2008
Time: 3:45 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 6
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: cylindrical
Weather Conditions: Clear

Description: There were 6 of us laying on the beach just before 4:00am, when there was a large explosion in the southwest sky. Meteor like object flew east with large vapor trail. The trail tapered off as the object seemed to break apart into 2 lights, one a bit above the other. There appeared to be a tube between the lights, making the object one, but the tube was dark so I can't say for sure. It or they faded off in the eastern sky, appearing to lose altitude. Also lights in the distance, afterwards

TV/Radio: N/A.



New Jersey Turnpike Between NY And Newark Football Shaped UFO

Date: July 1, 2008
Time: 1:20 - 1:35 p.m.

Location of Sighting: New Jersey turnpike between NY and Newark.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Eye shaped, football shaped, tortoise shaped.

Full Description of event/sighting: In cab on way to airport, had object size of thumbnail at arm's length 45 degrees from horizon, no apparent motion, football shaped, hovering. No visible tether. Clear sky, not a building top as horizon was visible. Seen from several angles for about fifteen minutes while vehicle was changing position on NJ turnpike.

Driver of cab also saw it, when we stopped and unloaded luggage at airport. Still stationery and clearly visible from airport in southeast direction from front of departure terminal. Clearly visible, no motion, dark grey.

Not an airplane, saw from several angles, no wings, no taillights. Only other possibility a blimp, but no motion.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Scarborough, Ontario UFO Passes Over Top Of Jet Aircraft

Date: July 3, 2008
Time: Approx: 5:00 p.m.
Hi Brian, I would like to report a UFO to you. On Thursday, July 3rd 2008 I went to my wife’s parents home in central Scarborough (Mc Cowan /Lawrence) after work 5:00pm. While walking down the driveway with garbage bags in each hand. I could hear a loud jet noise close by and turned southward. I could see that it was quite low (3000-5000ft approx) heading towards my direction. I was under a large tree, and stopped to watch it pass overhead beyond the tree - northward. As the jet appeared, my heart started to race. Just above the jet and crossing over the jet at a higher altitude. I could see a round brilliant white colored UFO ? This thing was moving on a straight flight path above, heading westward, towards northern Toronto. It really freaked me out, as I watched for about 10 seconds. Looked really dense of whiteness and moved one and a half times the speed of a jet.

It was the way it moved, that was the real eerie part Brian. The movement was just like Pac Man, the video game, as it moved along. I then scrambled to my car on the street and grabbed my camera within 15 seconds. I looked for the object ,could no longer see the thing. I snapped one picture anyway, to see if I could capture the UFO on film at a distance. I have attached the picture that was taken at 6:26pm est. There are a couple of questionable things in the photo taken. One round dark something to the left and a white something in the center of the photo.. Though, my eyes did witnessed something very unusual, for about 10 seconds at the time of 6:25-6:26 pm. I also had noticed that July 3, 2008 also is a New Moon. Not sure if that means anything..I really wonder what was it’s business up there ? Thx for your time and will leave this photo and report with you. P.S. When I arrived into Whitby less than an hour later [approx 7:30pm] to see my friend. Minutes before my arrival, he and a co worker noticed the same type of round white object moving high above the clouds, heading towards Oshawa. Now how weird is that ? Take care and we’ll keep watching.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Gargas, Vaucluse France Triangular UFO Filmed (Pictures)

Date: July 4, 2008
Time: 11:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of object: Triangular.
Weather Conditions: Very clear.

Description: Very strange light formation moving very quickly came straight towards the village. It made a sweep of the edge of village then turned, went back in the direction it came. It then made another sweep of the edge of the village, passing almost directly above our back garden. I have never seen anything like this in my life. it was so big and moved so fast with very little noise. the only noise came slightly after it passed, but not a mechanical noise - more just something passing through the air very quickly. On the second sweep we ran for binoculars and digital camera. My first thought was that it was two military aircraft flying very close together. With binoculars I realized this was false. We managed to get two photos.
There was definitely Bright white lights seen in photo, and also red lights, i thought i also saw green lights but my partner said yellow. The red and green lights made me feel for sure it was some kind of real aircraft, due to normal navigation lights. But with the view through binoculars I completely ruled this out.

To view photos:



Lincoln Park Michigan A Glowing Orange Reddish Circular UFO

Date: July 4, 2008
Time: 10:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 20
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular, blurry, orange/reddish glow like it was on fire perhaps.
Weather Conditions: Clear skies, except the fireworks of course.

Description: Shooting off fireworks in the street and through the trees we seen a glowing orange reddish circular thing moving slowly "had some speed to it though, it was gone in a few minutes" hovered on by, headed south west and disappeared from our vision, "got to far away" tried to get video and pictures of it but none of them came out really. It was up fairly high, but still low enough to get our attention... Some of us are still interested to find out what this unexplained flying object was.

TV/Radio: No reports.



Santa Cruz, California A Large Unknown Object

Date: July 4, 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2 total (individual observations).
Shape of objects: Circular, then expanded to oblong shape.
Weather Conditions: Clear with no clouds.

Description: While watching the Santa Cruz fireworks way off in the distance (I live in a canyon about 4 miles away), I noticed what appeared to be a large roman candle-like object rise in the sky, approximately 2 miles away from me (clearly well closer than the firework show). What made me stop and stare was that this object, instead of falling back to the sky and extinguishing, became brighter and increased circumference, and then hovered and changed shape into an oblong, oval shape. It hovered for about 20 seconds, then moved up and down before compressing back to a circle and eventually disappearing. Interesting to note is that the object never diminished in brightness, even while changing shapes and moving about.

This first observation was surprising, and I noted it was odd - but then approximately 15 minutes later I witnessed the same exact thing, this time the object was larger (closer maybe?). It was for sure not part of the firework show, was much, much closer - and I do not know of any firework that can hove

TV/Radio: N/A.



Felixstowe, Suffolk U.K. Triangular Shaped Object

Date: July 4, 2008
Time: 9:30 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Triangular- short wings. White.
Weather Conditions: Crystal clear blue sky.

Description: I watched it move quickly across sky for at least five seconds. There was no noise and no smoke trail. I suspect maybe stealth bomber?

TV/Radio: No.



Thornton, Colorado 3 Bright Circular Flame Objects

Date: July 4, 2008
Time: 10:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Circular with a "tail" similar to a comet.
Weather Conditions: Clear

Description: We were watching fireworks when we suddenly all 3 saw a bright circular flame high up in the sky to the east. It was flying fairly slowly and not in a straight line. Occasionally, it would extinguish and then re-appear a few seconds later. After flying around for about 3 minutes, it extinguished completely and a few seconds later, 3 of them appeared. I ran inside to grab my camera and by the time I got back out, 2 of them had vanished. I got a video of the last one for about 20 seconds before it went behind a tree and disappeared.

I just noticed there was an almost identical sighting in Michigan on the 4th (listed on this site) as well. If anyone who was there took any pictures or video, I would love to hear from you.

TV/Radio: Not reported.

Additional Information:

UFOINFO Note: As with other similar reports I asked the witness to have a look at the UFO Balloons website to see if this is what might have been seen, also asking for the video and received the following reply:

Hey there. I checked out a few videos of UFO balloons/lanterns after the sighting and decided that it was definitely not balloons. These had a tail behind them very similar to a comet, and there was very distinctly one by itself that kept disappearing and reappearing, and then eventually it disappeared and reappeared at the exact same time as 2 others. The 3 of us that were watching were all completely dumbfounded. I have the video of the single one on my camera at home and haven't had a chance to transfer it to see if it shows any detail, but I can check it when I get home and upload for you if you like.


Feel free to add it (the video) to the report. The lights you see towards the end of the video are a street light and probably a firework or another street light. I was walking to the other side of my yard to try to get a view around the tree and was paying attention to where I was walking rather than what was on the viewfinder. I agree that you can't tell anything from the video, and I didn't expect it to show anything with any kind of quality - It's pretty low-res, I just took it from my Powershot and didn't have time to adjust any settings. My friend and I both have high quality DSLR cameras with good lenses, but neither one of us had those cameras on hand at the time :(

To view the footage:



Omaha, Nebraska A Florescent Blue Object

Date: July 4, 2008
Time: 10:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 8
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear Skies.

Description: On the 4th of July we noticed what appeared to be a yellow light coming toward us. We all looked up to see what it was and everyone speculated it was a airplane or helicopter, but we heard no noise and the lights was different from anything we seen before.

We were watching the approach and it appeared to be light coming our way. It looked sort of like a flame, but when I got closer it was a blue light and it approached from the south and as it passed over us heading west we noticed it was a blue light sort of Florescent and round but hollow in the middle that zipped pass us.

TV/Radio: N/A.



UFO Sightings Altamonte Springs And Sorrento Florida

Date: July 5, 2008
Time: Sorrento 1:45 a.m. Altamonte 10:26 p.m

Number of witnesses: Total of 6.
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Not sure but It had stormed really bad earlier in Sorrento. Storming 33 Miles behind Object In Altamonte

Description: The most beautiful blue red pink and pure white light. On 7-5-08 1:45 A.M. my brother called me telling me about it going in a weird northern direction. He alone used Poles and power wires between him and the object to get a good idea what the movements were. The sighting lasted 17
minutes and the way he described it, it was acting erratic, like a kite whipping around in circles and going and stopping. In Altamonte springs Me and my friends were watching the bad storm approaching and the fireworks going off I guess every body was getting rid of there fireworks and I looked at my friend and seen the light like a star just sitting there but moving northward and stopping. no erratic stuff no whipping around just moving up and down just so slightly and stopping.

TV/Radio: The same.



East Fork Lake, Bethel Ohio UFO Hovering Over Tree Line

Date: July 5, 2008
Time: 12:01 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 20
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Clear skies with light clouds.

Description: Object was noticed hovering above tree line for approximately 2 to 3 minutes, then started moving straight towards us and over top of us. It was not very high maybe 4,000 feet, but moved very fast with no sound and was orange in color looked like a comet but with no tail. and in stead of falling to the earth it kept progressing upward till it disappeared. This was seen by most of my family in laws and friends camping with us approximately 20 persons. Others saw it as well . We did take a picture, we will let you know how it turns out.

TV/Radio: Don't know if anyone reported this sight we were all camping?? Didn't have a TV or listen to radio.



Islinfton London, England U.K. Saucer Shaped UFO

Date: July 5, 2008
Time: 10:04 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Round and one was flashing orange they were about 2 minutes apart,
Weather Conditions: Clear sky at the time.

Description: I first saw a flashing orange light which was very bright and moving from side to side, then it slowed down and got brighter before all the lights turned off. It just drifted away and disappeared. I thought that was hard to believe, but about two minutes after that, I looked up to the sky and above me, lower than planes fly was a big flying saucer shaped object, it was not moving as fast as the first object and was much lower and had no lights showing it was a metallic color, I watched it until it just floated away.

TV/Radio: I have not yet reported the sighting.



Moscow, Pennsylvania An Orange Glowing Round Object

Date: July 6, 2008
Time: Late night

Location of Sighting: Moscow, Pennsylvania
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round, orb-like.

Full Description of event/sighting: My aunt and I were sitting in her yard talking. She then cut me off and said "Look! What is that!?" I looked back and there was an orange, glowing, round object moving slowly and silently. It was very distant but appeared very large. It would move, and then stop and hover. It repeated this about 3 times. It then stayed stationary, and stared moving away from us. It kept moving farther and farther away, and getting smaller and smaller until it was out of sight.

I'm not sure on the absolute directions (north, east, south, west).

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Gladwin, Michigan Round Object With Tail

Date: July 6, 2008
Time: 1:00 a.m.

Number of witnesses: 16
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round object with long tail.
Weather Conditions: Starry night.

Description: A bunch of us were celebrating the 4th a day late, on Saturday night, and shortly after midnight a large ball appeared right directly over our heads, and then started heading due north. It took at least five minutes for it go from straight over our heads to the horizon. Bright Orange ball about the size of a quarter with your arm straight out. No noise, just huge and slow moving. Of the 16 of us that saw it, it really scared the six kids with us.

TV/Radio: No known reports.



Windsor, Ontario Circular UFOs

Date: July 6, 2008
Time: 10:25 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 2
Shape of objects: Circular.
Weather Conditions: Clear Sky night time.

Description: At around 10:25 pm to around 10:40 there was circular objects in the sky to the east side of Windsor I was really far away the objects were staying still with the colors blue and red just spinning around one object got lower and the other just stayed high above. It had looked like more were appearing throughout the sky but these were moving at speeds of airplanes or jets I was uncertain on second thought I decided to think they were jets trying to get close to these objects but as soon as they would get closer the flashing lights would vanish.

TV/Radio: Nothing I heard about it.



South Melbourne, Australia Round UFO With Faint Cylinder Shape

Date: July 6, 2008
Time: 7:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round with faint cylinder shape.
Weather Conditions: Clear.

Description: Round Orange shape with faint cylinder outline. There was no sound & it wasn't moving at an unusual speed nor changing directions unusually. My wife & I first noticed it traveling from the East & disappeared to the south. Total duration approx. 2 minutes. 1 min recorded on Sony Handycam from 8th floor apt. however, it's not that clear or defined as it was starting to move away from us to the south. Still it is was very unusual & something we can't explain.

TV/Radio: It was not reported to any media.



Millville, Nova Scotia A Large And Very Bright Object

Date: July 6, 2008
Time: 2:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: Front yard.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Very large bright white ball of light.

Full Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, this was not actually my sighting but my friends. It took place in Millville which is just outside of north Sydney. I thought I would tell you anyway and you can do what you want with it. I must mention that my friend that seen this, would always laugh at me when I would talk about the topic or tell him that I seen something. He called me Monday morning telling me about this and was actually sounding pretty exited. I'm sending this to you because I know he really won't tell too many people. Anyway the story is not very long because he's not much of a talker, but he's also not someone that would make up such a story, so with that in mind he simply told me he was out in his yard at 2:00am, it was a very clear night and very dark so you could see the night sky very well. I believe he said he was checking on his dogs and just happened to scan the sky because it was a beautiful night after all and said he seen a very large white ball of light flying horizontally through the sky.

He said at first he figured a plane but then as he looked more intently he realized that this thing looked nothing like a plane, no noise, absolutely none which he said really confused him. I guess since he doesn't really believe in UFOs or at least until then he said he was totally amazed at how big and bright this light actually was.Plus he said it was traveling what looked to be slower than a commercial plane. He said he watched it until it was out of sight then went into his house feeling kind of confused as to what he has just seen. My friend told me that it was definitely not any type of plane that he had ever seen. He told me he's sticking with a meteor or space debris re-entering the atmosphere. But to me it's sounded like a UFO. Anyway I just wanted to share that with you just in case anyone else sends you an e-mail telling you they saw something similar around the area. As far as myself, I have been looking, but no more luck as of
yet ,but one of these days hopefully soon I will have a great picture or video to send you. Until then, take care.

Thank you to the person for sending along the information on his friends sighting.

HBCC UFO Research -


Staines, Middlesex, England UFOs Darting Around

Date: July 6, 2008
Time: 10:35 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 3
Shape of objects: Like small clouds.
Weather Conditions: Slight rain, cloudy.

Description: Three small cloud like objects that darted around quickly in a small area. I thought at first they were laser lights but there was no evidence of this.

TV/Radio: N/A.



Bestwood Park, Nottingham U.K. Bright Round Light

Date: July 7, 2008
Time: 10:30 - 10:45 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Round.
Weather Conditions: Not too much cloud, no rain.

Description: Bright round light shining from red to green, appeared to be shining through my living room window when curtains were open. No one outside at time so couldn't be someone shining a light, also no other explanation as to where light could come from. About 5 minutes later half the street lights went out and some neighbors lights went out. Went outside to look but lights were back on. 5 minutes after heard a noise that sounded like a plane flying over but suddenly just stopped.

TV/Radio: N/A.



Firestone, Colorado A Bright Orange Rectangular Colored UFO

Date: July 7, 2008
Time: 11:03 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1 that separated into 3
Shape of objects: 1 rectangular and 2 orbs.
Weather Conditions: Hazy from rain evaporation, maybe 50 percent cloud coverage.

Description: I was driving north on the I-25 Frontage road between 119 and 66. I looked west towards the mountains and noticed a bright orange rectangular yellow/orange (the color of fire) light out over Longmont, Colorado. I pulled over, got out of my vehicle and watched this object for about 1 minute. It changed shaped by smearing (for lack of better word) down to the left almost like a water fall or molten metal. Two much smaller lights emerged of equal size: one directly above and one directly below. The lights moved around slowly off of center and then they re-emerged as one. The one large light then decreased in size until it vanished completely.

TV/Radio: I called 911 in Firestone and they patched me through to the Longmont police department. I reported what I saw and asked if anyone else had reported something similar. The dispatcher sounded amused. She said there had been no other reports, kind of laughed and said she would pass it along.



UFO Gives Off Electrical Charge North Of Creston, British Columbia

Date: July 8, 2008
Time: Approx: 9:30

(Telephone conversation)

Three witnesses were driving northbound on 3A traveling at about 90 kilometers heading to Kootenay Bay when they saw what looked like a dark colored disc/saucer shaped object with approx: 25 - 30 solid red lights running around it. (when they first saw it, it was sitting in a horizontal position) The object was just a head of them at about a 1/4 miles distance away. The craft seemed to tilt toward the travelers and they noticed some sort of electrical discharge coming from the lower end of the craft. They described the discharge as lighting bolts spreading out across the sky. (short distance from the object) It slowly moved toward the east and upward, still in a tilted position, still giving off this strange discharge until they were only able to see what they believed to be the flashing of the discharge due to the objects distance away from them.

They were freaked right out. Actually a lady passenger was screaming and it took sometime before her husband was able to calm her down. They said they never have seen anything like it before, and never anything that might have been something of a unknown nature.

Thank you to the witness for their interesting report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Surrey, British Columbia Object With White Strobing Lights

Date: June 8, 2008
Time: 11:00 p.m.

I was sitting out there again tonight from about 23:00. There seemed to be something going on as there were an unusually large number of small aircraft flying around south of YVR at one point I counted about ten all flying at close to the same altitude and in fairly close proximity. Usually I don't see more then one or two and they are usually headed for Boundary Bay. At approx: 23:40 I noticed a large white strobe appear just to the south of my apartment building. At first I thought it was a commercial airliner on approach but it was not displaying any running lights. When I checked with the binoculars I could just make out a pale shape against the night sky but was unable to determine the shape. While it was broadside to me I could see it had large white strobe at each end flashing alternately. It displayed no running lights at all . Was flying about 1000 to 2000 feet. Approx: 300 to 400 mph. No noise at all and close enough so I should have been able to hear it. I watched it with the binoculars for approx:. one minute until it went behind the trees, it was still heading towards YVR but didn't appear to be descending.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Smithers, British Columbia A Brightly Illuminated Object

Date: July 9, 2008
Time: 12:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: McDonell Lake, Hudson Bay Mountain.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Spherical.

Full Description of event/sighting: We saw a brightly illuminated object floating across the sky at a very slow speed. we observed this for about 2 minutes until the object stopped, and its light source faded. that was all we saw.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Surrey, British Columbia A Meteorite Flashed Overhead

Date: June 8, 2008
Time: Approx:. 00:20

Hi Brian, we've had company for the past few days from Australia and last night we were all sitting out on the deck when at approx: 00:20 a very large meteorite flashed overhead. One of the biggest I've seen in quite a while. I had my video camera in my hand but it was gone to fast. Our friends were quite impressed.

Thank you very much to the witness for the valuable information.

HBCC UFO Research -


Joliet, Illinois Bright Circular Object

Date: July 10, 2008
Time: 4:30 a.m.

Location of Sighting: SW sky Joliet, Illinois.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Circular.

Full Description of event/sighting: Looked in sky while walking dog, very bright object, larger than star, smaller than moon of course. Not a plane headlight, it did not move for 20 minutes. I went back to bed. Please call me if anyone else saw this, or for more detailed description of event.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

HBCC UFO Research -


Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thank you to my friend at UFOINFO -

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