Friday, August 1, 2008

2305 Hwy US-31 N Travere City, Michigan An Oval UFO

Posted: August 1, 2008

Date: July 17, 2008
Time: 9:30 p.m.

Number of witnesses: Several unknown hotel renters and my wife
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: As an engineer and pilot, I was utterly amazed at the strange shape which made no aerodynamic sense at all for the speed. The upper tall, 3/4 portion of an oval appeared black against the lighter cloudless twilight sky. The lower horizontal full oval section was a lighter grey than the sky and had several side lights. I estimated the size to be 70 ft. in overall height by 50 ft. wide across the bottom section.
Weather Conditions: clear, twilight sky's, 1-2 mph winds.

Description: It was really quite close. As a pilot who often gazes at airplanes moving by, I figured the object to be about 1/4 mile away at is closest point, with and altitude of about 400-500 ft., and moving east across Traverse East Bay at a constant speed of about 40-50 mph. The wind was less then 2 MPH and the water had only a slight ripple, so I have to dismiss the idea that the thing could be just a big balloon.

I couldn't tell why the lower portion appeared lighter in color -- much like a back-lighted frosted screen or from some unseen indirect lighting source.

After it moved past the closest point,

TV/Radio: None.

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

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