Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sulphur, Louisiana UFO Has People Walking Out Of Their Home To Look Up

Posted: November 20, 2008

Date: Fall of 1997 or 1998
Time: 9:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Sulphur, LA USA.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Orb or Sphere.

Specific Location: Matt Walker Stadium (Sulphur High School)
Specific Date: Homecoming night.

Full Description of event/sighting: Location: Sulphur, LA, along with my ex-wife and two friends from my same street were seated on the home team side of the stadium app. half way up facing east. During the Halftime Home coming events on the field, I witnessed a 2 foot diameter orb traveling horizontally from north to south over the field. The object was not like the 2 dimensional translucent orbs seen in most pictures after development. This object was a solid 3d Sphere, not a light. Its color was a bluish green. It was traveling between 80 and 100 mph. The entire sighting lasted a little over 2 seconds. It traveled over the eastern hatch marks on the field and was slightly lower than the Field Lights. Nearly ever person was focused on the Homecoming court down on the field. Upon seeing the orb I immediately notified my friends. Two of the three were able to see the orb before it rapidly faded out of site.

The object had very sharp defining edges no blurs or fuzziness, the inside seemed to be made of plasma, it was not extremely bright and flew in a perfectly strait and flat trajectory. The most interesting part of the story came later. The next day upon seeing my neighbor in his yard I related the events of the previous night. To my shock he had a story of his own. He told me on the night in question at approx: 1:30am he and his wife were up late watching TV, when all of a sudden he had an urge to get up and walk outside. He claims he had not heard or seen anything to make him go out. As he proceeded outside his wife also followed suit.

They were both drawn to look westward towards my house. An oak tree stood just south of the southwest corner of my house. Upon first looking toward the southwest corner of my house they saw nothing, then a small solid orb about 1-1/2 to 2 feet in diameter came floating out from either my bedroom wall or behind the west wall of my house. The orb floated up into the oak tree maneuvering around the large branches. After a few seconds the orb floated clear of the tree then stopped perfectly still app. 35 feet off the ground as if to let them get a good look at it.

Then all at once it flew upward and away in a southwest direction at a very high rate of speed until it could no longer be seen. I asked the wife if she had got up to follow the husband outside, and she said No, she had been drawn by a mysterious urge of go outside also. These are professional college educated people. The only discrepancy between their two stories was the color of the orb. He said it was bluish, she said it was greenish. I saw it as blue green. The orb made no sound and left no visible trail. There is nothing openly known in the industrial or military complex that can fly with no open ports or wings that we currently know of. The orb is particularly similar to the orb recorded on NASA TV STS Mission 37. Only the color is different.

Thank you to the witness for the excellent report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

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HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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