Monday, March 30, 2009

Strange Lights In The Sky Over Virginia U.S.

Posted: March 30, 2009

Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research is looking for any witnesses (and I know there have been a number of them) who recently witnessed strange lights flying through the sky, would you please be kind enough to fill in a report over what you saw as it is very important. You can email me directly or use the sighting report form.

Thank you

Brian Vike Director of HBCC UFO Research

1 comment:

  1. On June 24,20012. I've recently witnessed in my backyard what looked to me as a "floating-orb" of light making a straight path from one side of the ridge of trees to the other side of the ridge gradually disappearing over through the tree tops. It was emulating it's own light source, like it was almost glowing or radiant! I felt like I was witnessing something not of this world! Took less than 2 mins. before it left sight. It actually moved a little slower than an airplane I had seen seconds before that. Thought abt. going inside & getting a camera or video cam, but convinced myself by the time I got back it would be gone. It happened between 9:30 & 10:00PM just before it was completely dark. It looked perfectly round in shape, no angles or what would appear to be air craft shaped. I've seen lots of airplanes at evening & night, meteors, falling stars & it certainly wasn't none of those! I just stood there with my mouth wide open. Still having a hard time believing what I had seen! I estimate it was 10 times the size of the brightest star! & you could still see the blue sky around the object it was mins. before pitch dark! Previously, back in '06 I saw lights in my back-yard again, only this time the lights were making changes in direction that only a flash-light could do! Very fast & definately not of this world. No trails of beams or light whatsoever. Looked just like someone shining a flashlight in the sky, only there was no beam that I could see coming from earth. Watched it for about 4 mins. Went inside to tell my dad but he didn't believe me & wouldn't come outside to see. This was before I had a camera or video cam. Figures.
