Sunday, April 5, 2009

Corvallis, Oregon Two White Lights

Posted: April 5, 2009

Date: April 4, 2009
Time: 9:35 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Corvallis, OR.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Round.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I reported a couple of incidents recently, tonight my partner witnessed the second of two white lights I saw just minutes ago. We were sitting facing west with the house behind us and a clear view of a clear sky. I was looking at the sky to the west when a bright light caught my attention out of the corner of my eye to the north. I stepped to the west a few paces, to clear my view of a nearby tree, because it was the brightest light in the sky and moving away mostly due north at an incredible speed, it seemed. The light appeared at approx. 20 deg. above the horizon and was about 5 deg. lower when it became too dim to see about 5 seconds after I first noticed the light.

It also gradually turned from white to red by the time it faded/too far away to see. My partner stepped out to look but didn't notice the first light as it was moving away getting dimmer. About the time the light faded completely a second light appeared suddenly just a few degrees higher and about a degree to the west of the first one. This one she saw too. It took the exact same trajectory, velocity, white to red color shift and time to fade completely as the first one. No flashing lights, no indication of aviation lights of any sort. Once again, a little brighter and larger than Venus would appear at a similar angle. No tail as if a meteor and both were identical in every way except position, which didn't deviate by much. I couldn't estimate the distance when the lights first appeared though.

Additional Information:

Addendum to my previous posting. The fade from a bright white light to a reddish light reminded of a redshift, or doppler, effect. That just came to me so I thought I'd put it out there.

Hi Brian. Thanks for taking the time to sort out these mysteries for folks.

I didn't file reports on a couple of occasions last year when a stationary light went from unseen, progressively brightening to about mag. -3.5, then slowly fading out, all over the course of about ten seconds. One of those incidents was during the Perseid meteor shower, the other was several weeks later on some random night. The first one was actually within a few degrees of the two that suddenly appeared and seemed to accelerate away last night, the other was to the SW at about 40 deg. I didn't think much about those other two until I read a few reports describing similar things and realized that one had appeared in the same area of the sky as the two last night.

I'm trained and experienced in aerospace technology and piloting. I've traveled to and lived in many diverse places, but I'm always looking at the night sky, pretty much fascinated with it. I've seen hundreds of meteors, satellites, normal stuff. I'm pretty skeptical, actually.

There were two occasions when I saw unexplained lights, one high altitude, high speed, instant maneuvering (two right angle turns), and one fairly close, low hovering with some drift around a small area (at least 6 other people saw that one and it lasted about 45 minutes). This was in central Virginia. I've forgotten a few secondary details, like times and dates though so I'm not sure about a formal report.

Only there and here have I seen things that I can't explain (drawing from my informed background). So the frequency of seeing odd lights, even with the winter cloudiness of Oregon, has caught my attention. There is a small, municipal airport about 4 miles to the south of here so I'm used to seeing planes and helicopters around.

Thank you to the witness for their sighting report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Blog:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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