Saturday, July 10, 2010

Orange Fiery Glows South Of New Lenox Illinois

Date: July 10, 2010
Time: Approx: 8:50 p.m.

Hello, I saw similar thing tonight and Googled it. Thought I'd tell you about it.

Approximately 8:50pm, I saw the first orange, almost fiery glow coming from West over neighbors house. Lasted almost a minute to minute and a half. Moved East at high altitude and curved slightly south and disappeared slowly, more like i was just losing sight of it. Two more followed in suit shortly after first faded. Second was not out of sight before third came over neighbors house in same manner and direction.

All three moved at similar speed, height and trajectory. slightly curving off to the south and fading. Almost looked like increased in altitude also when faded away.

The third object had below it in sight a distinct high altitude airplane moving in opposite direction with the obvious blinking lights. This did not look like an airplane. If I had to guess it would be a satellite or other space object reflecting the setting sun. Could be satellites in same course.

Also, the night before, while sitting at an ice cream parlor in Palos Hills we saw in the dusk sky and object move directly over East to West. it was clearly light out between 8 and 8:30 p.m. Nothing unusual. I just thought it was the international space station or other object.

Pretty cool either way.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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