Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Orange Glowing Balls Form Triangle Over Lee's Summit Missouri

Date: July 25, 2010
Time: 11:00 p.m.

Greetings, I've been up trying to find an explanation for what I saw tonight from my friend's deck. I've never looked up anything in my life about UFO's, but since I've been home, I am a little fixated on finding an explanation for it. I saw your post, and since you saw something similar to what we saw just 30 minutes or so before we saw it, I was inclined to email the story.

We were in Lee's Summit, MO, and we saw these glowing balls at 11:00pm or very shortly thereafter. Here's a copy and paste from the online report I filed at one site:

I was visiting on the back deck after dinner with six friends when one of them asked us what kind of a light that was over the trees. I looked, and at first thought it was a star, but it was orange. Another one blinked into focus, and the two got brighter and moved toward each other.

We talked and discussed if they were moving, what color they were and mentioned that we had not seen anything like that before. Then another orange glowing ball was seen below the tree line and rose up to join the other two.

The three orange spheres made a triangle with the two points on top and the third on bottom. The top left point started fading away and was gone in a matter of a few seconds as the third light was getting brighter. The second light started fading shortly after that and was gone.

The third light hovered for maybe a couple minutes or more...long enough for us to completely look at it and discuss the other two’s disappearance...then slowly started fading too. The third one faded more slowly than the others.

The incident wasn’t exceptional or fantastic by any means...just three glowing orange balls that moved, hovered and dissipated above the tree line and off in the distance. None of us could explain it or had ever seen anything like it before. We Googled ‘glowing orange balls Lee’s Summit MO’ and discovered other unexplained stories of the same nature. Regards.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/

1 comment:

  1. I've seen glowing orbs that just appear in the sky without rising up from behind trees. I saw them form a triangle then spin and disappear out of sight. What you described sounds like you may have seen chinese lanterns. If there is not much wind current they could appear to form a triangle as the drift off. They burn for about 5-6 minute before they slowly burn out.
