Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Zig Zagging Yellowish Orange Balls Of Light Over LaSalle County Ottawa Illinois

Date: July 3, 2010
Time: Approx: 9:40 p.m.

I saw two yellowish/orange balls of light over LaSalle County Ottawa, Illinois at approximately 21:40 (9:40 PM). The two balls were sighted directly overhead, very high in the sky, almost next to each other traveling rapidly from southwest to northeast.

The larger ball on the left was slightly ahead of the smaller ball to the right. Both objects exhibited short trails of what appeared to be huge showers of yellow/orange sparks. As they progressed through the sky, the ball on right disappeared or burnt out.

Right after that the trailing sparks on the left ball disappeared, but the ball remained still clearly visible and mostly orange colored. It continued traveling east remaining clearly visible, as it approached the horizon it appeared to move erratically or zig zag right to left and left to right until it disappeared below the horizon.

I estimate it was at least thirty to forty seconds from the time I first saw the two objects directly overhead until the last object disappeared over the northeastern horizon. Several other people sitting out on the patio witnessed the same as I saw it.

A few days later my son spoke with a co-worker, he and others present also saw virtually the same sights as we did. They were ten to fifteen miles away from our location. He described it almost exactly as we saw it and it was at approximately the same time.

I looked for any information I could find regarding this sighting and found only the incident over Ontario. To date there were no newspaper or TV/Radio articles that I am aware of.

What did I see that night?

If you wish to contact me please email contact information and I will respond.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

1 comment:

  1. My Son and I both witnessed a large glowing orange UFO at the same time around the first week of September of this year. I live in the Country North East of Ottawa Illinois, and he lives in the city of Ottawa Illinois so there is approximately 8 miles between us. He called me on the phone stating that a large bright glowing UFO was directly over downtown Ottawa Illinois and that it had moved east towards us, and my Son said he had binoculars and it looked like some type of Object had dropped out of the bottom of the UFO and that the Object was similar in shape to a large solid teardrop and dark gray in color. I was on the phone with him outside our home when he said "MOM It's coming back towards Ottawa, look directly south". I did so and saw a very large glowing circle of orange light with a round gray silvery center. At arm's length against the sky, it was about 3" in diameter. We kept watching and it moved South East away and then zipped to a pinpoint in a flash and was gone. It was amazing that we both were able to see this at the same time. I am glad I was outside and had my phone with me. This is not the first time we have seen these large orange glowing UFOs in this area. This particular sighting happened around the first week of September. I am not sure of the exact date but my Son would know. Just thought it would be interesting to note this unusual sighting. Jerry's Mom
