Saturday, January 22, 2011

Semi-Transparent Flesh Colored Oval UFO Over Taylor Wayne County Michigan

Date: 1998
Time: 6:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Taylor Wayne County Michigan.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Oval.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: Both of us were standing on the side of our property looking towards the north when out of the south side of our view, a semi-transparent, flesh colored oval shaped UFO approximately 20 feet off the ground and about 2 feet long traveling about 20 mph.

We both have gone over this sighting many times since, trying to put together every detail and we both agree on exactly what we witnessed that evening.

Additional Information:

Hi Brian, thanks for the interest. The sighting was at my house in Taylor, Michigan in Wayne County, 12 miles S.W. of Detroit, Michigan. I've searched for some time now over the internet for anything similar to our sighting with out any luck. Is this anything that your team has had any knowledge of? Keep in touch, Thanks.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

1 comment:

  1. Hi I believe in God, but I am not closed minded I believe he can make anything anytime anywhere.

    In Taylor Michigan about that time I had a friend who was practicing a different language with me in the downstairs of the house when I hear my grandmother and her neighbor who were both sitting on the front porch call us frantically and said to hurry up come here we did, as we looked we saw what could almost look like the Good year Blimp that fly's around like in the movie scar face and I would have thought it was a blimp but it looked different with propeller type light but the propeller was all lit up like a christmas tree and it was hovering and the propeller thing was not on top it was on the side of the blimp like object it was hovering back and forth and very slowly not like an airplane speeds and it was almost blimp like but it was not going at blimp speed it was hovering very very slowly, which I have seen blimps in Florid and they do not have tons of lights like that at night lit up like a christmas tree and if it does you can read what it states this blimp like object was nothing like the blimps we see and the Blimps are not in Michigan that I am aware of. We called the Taylor Police that day because and thats all we could do, my friend was crazy enough to wave at it and say come here I was like NO dont do that. It didnt seem hostile it did not seem to be anything that would alarm us other than the fact it was strange goodyear blimp size and it was moving at very slow hovering speeds the same time period as your sighting in Taylor in the between 1987 and 1988 soemtime it was strange we never did find out what it was other than as they say an Unidentified Flying Object, I did not ever remember this until Iran across this webpage today and ran across this webpage its been such along time ago I dont know the actual yeat but I no for a fact that at that time there was something going on downtown in Detroit and I kind of brushed off as maybe it was on its way to the thing at that time that was going on in Detroit maybe the Grand Prix or something that big but then again why would a blimp be over 30 minutes to an hour away from the festivities still does not make sense did not look like a blimp compleltely different just the shape and hovering was alot slower
