Sunday, January 16, 2011

Unknown Objects Moving Fast Over Portland Oregon

Date: January 16, 2011
Time: Evening.

My son and I were enjoying looking up at the night sky on our way into the house after coming home from dinner out. It had finally stopped raining, the moon was shining very brightly with nice big cloud breaks. We were both observing how rapidly the high open clouds were blowing through the sky, almost due East toward Mt. Hood.

We suddenly became aware that a flashing light was coming toward us from the southeast, flying very high and fast and leaving a thick white contrail behind it. Within seconds, it had passed nearly directly overhead and was obscured by a cloud passing beneath it.

Maybe 30 seconds later, another one of the flashing lights repeated an identical course, a short distance from the contrail left by the first, however this one left no trail of it’s passing at all. It too disappeared beyond the same cloud to the northwest. We waited a few minutes, but saw no more.

Several things struck us both as remarkable:

a) Very fast, extremely fast and appeared and gone within a few seconds, not appearing to fly leisurely as ordinary passenger jets up high.

b) Much higher than any passenger jet I have seen, and seeming a lot higher than the usual military fighter that goes overhead here. These were flying higher than the clouds, they appeared to disappear over the cloud, not into it. Also as the second was passing, an ordinary passenger jet also flew by, substantially lower and slower.

c) Very bright flashing red and white lights (alternating), especially considering how high they were. Flashing brighter and faster than the slower, dimmer passenger jet, by comparison.

d) No sound and we waited for it, expecting to hear sonic booms (perhaps they were too high? - I don't know how that works) We easily heard the regular jet as usual, but not a thing from either of these.

e) Strange thick/non-dissipating chemtrail, but only from one, and it stopped emitting before it was obscured beyond the cloud. The second (hypersonic?) never left an apparent trail at all, but the trail by the first was very thick and remained clearly defined, not dissipating at all by the time we went inside. we are used to seeing chemtrails here all the time, normally they begin dissipating even before the jet has finished passing.

This one did not, and we also thought it quite odd that the 2nd aircraft left no trail at all, yet in every other way flew identically as the first. Would really love to know what these were, suspecting our friendly local air force is up to something again. No doubt classified, of course.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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