Monday, March 14, 2011

Orange Light Over Marshalltown Iowa

Date: March 13, 2011
Time: Approx: 8:15 p.m.

At around 8:15pm tonight, March 13th, 2011, while standing outside of our church in the parking lot, a friend I was talking to looked up and pointed to the sky and asked me what is that? I looked up, and coming out of the northeast sky and moving toward the southwest was a single soft glowing orange spherical light.

At first I thought it was life flight helicopter circling, preparing to land at the helipad across the street in front of our church, but then we both noticed that there was no noise. I then pointed the light out to 3 other individuals in the parking lot. I noticed other people in the parking lot were also watching it. It continued moving in a southwesterly direction, and then it appeared to begin to gain altitude, but still maintaining the same speed.

The orange light then slowly faded out of sight. The total time that we watched the light was around one minute. The sky was clear. The temperature was 32 degrees. Ages of the witnesses were from 18 to 48. I did call the WHO 13 news radio station in Des Moines, Iowa to see if anyone else had seen the orange light. No one else had. I hope this is of some assistance. I have never seen anything like this before.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

1 comment:

  1. Between 2007 and 2012 in Marshalltown Iowa I was able to witness many UFOs in the skies over Marshalltown Iowa. Eventually leading to several encounters with Shadow Beings, Black eyed kids and Possible extra-dimensional beings.
    During the week of Nov.1st 2012 I had several encounters with Black eyed kids at the corner across the street from Jiffys gas Station. I was able to see these beings transform. I saw them move like smoe. I saw them attack.I spoke to them. I was threatened by them. I dont know if they are around this area any longer, but I am very wary at all out and do not let them into your home.
