Friday, April 20, 2012

Huge Orange UFO Hovers 30 Feet Off The Ground At Mason Ohio

Date:  1992
Time:  2:00 a.m.
Let me say I lived on Snider road in Mason in 1992. I saw a huge object near the water tower across the street from my apartment. Me and my girlfriend at that time saw it.
It was like a sunset orange, very bright about 30 feet off the ground and maybe 100 feet away. It was like the size of a Wal-Mart super center. It made no noise and it was night time
It was wedged at the ends and I saw a wave start at one end and as the wave moved from left to right, everything to the left of the wave vanished. When it made it to the right, it was gone, just stars!
It was very strange, I was in my car just after the train tracks and I was standing on my car seat looking out of my sun roof of my Celica GT at that time.
I never heard a word about this on the news. The Cambridge apartments and Shady Creek apartments are there and it’s like no one saw nothing (summer time-early in the night (Saturday too, no one saw this thing? I saw it at 2:00 a.m. break at work to maybe 3 nights latter.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:

1 comment:

  1. ive seen many strange thing living in mason ohio- 2005 i was walking westchester rd i had walked past the 700 wlw tower and fence.i looked in the distance i saw a light-it looked like it was coming from the direction of the bigtop restraunt us 42.i then saw another light coming from tylersville rd-then yet one more from the area of mason montgomery rd-it was coming from the direction of the us 42 udf-the bigtop one came over the bp gas station-the tylersville rd one flew past the 700 wlw tower-i was waiting for a collision-it was very strange they all linked up without stoping-their was no pause in speed-all three spun in place -then as quickly as they come together they uncoupled and went in the same direction they came-they were about 900ft up they were higher than the tower not by much-made no sound what so ever-it was winter too it was dark early 5:30 6:00- the area was full of cars too- the things i saw were identical did have lights on them to that blinked-looked like ultralight at first but(ive never seen one that can link up spin in a hover-so it wasnt that-they were the size of that small-looked like small triangles could see outline but not what it was made of? very dark - i posted the snider rd 1992 sighting!-i also seen what i found out later to be the mason light (1994) that was interesting too.the light came around a pine tree -it was the size of a hand round emerald green semi tranparent too not bright-it proceeded around the tree and then fell to the ground slow like it traveled-it didnt speed up-i found it very strange-then it simply faded as it got to the ground-it was about 15 feet up(all i could compare it to was the green ball in the wizard of oz that floats.this property is at the corner of us 42 and kings mills rd,theres a gas station on one side of the road and the old laundry mat on the other side of the street-im very lucky to have seen that light-from what i seen on the web about that -few have seen it-had to be the light-it wasnt ball lightning or heat lightning.ohio is a very wild place-i dont drink or do drugs -when i see something i watch it study it-first time i saw a ufo was around 1979 it was florecent white light-like magnesium burning that bright-it rocked in place came closer slowly stop and rock side to also fliped like a coin in place.the police got plenty of calls.they didnt know what it was either- it made the paper too-pratt and whitney later claimed it was an experimental craft-(ok over a populated area 100 am in the summer.just thought you would find this interesting-
