Saturday, April 21, 2012

Multi Colored Star/Object In The Western Sky Seen In Surprise/El Mirage Arizona

Date:  April 20, 2012
Time:  Approx: 10:00 p.m.

This is in regards to a witnesses posting.

I am relating to this evening what my husband and I saw in the sky in Surprise/El Mirage, Arizona at approximately 10:00 p.m. April 20, 2012.
We are not certain exactly what we saw, but it was in comparison to the stars, a fairly large multi colored star/object in the western sky in NW Phoenix, AZ area on April 20th 2012.
Sorry, we do not have a good camera to take a picture, but the object in question was larger than the stars and changing colors red, purple, blue, green, etc. I would compare it to the northern lights in colors, but confined to this single object..
We are very curious as to what we saw.

 Also on February 9th at approximately 10:00 p.m. of this year we saw three lights in a triangle shape, in the eastern sky looking toward N. Phoenix.
We never heard of any other sightings that same night, but we know what we saw was not a usual occurrence. The lights were there, then they disappeared, then re-appeared  a few minutes later slightly to the north of where they were before.

Where we live in Arizona, there are mostly retired people (such as ourselves), but as a rule the others go to bed earlier than we do. So can understand why many others did not see what we saw, or get on computers to research it.

When I saw the posting, I could totally relate to what they saw, the object in the sky with the multicolored lights. Sure has me curious.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:


  1. I am an Earth Science teacher in California. I had a student who loves to watch the stars tell me about a bright star in the western sky that flashed different colors. We googled it to see if it was anything different or unusual and came across this page. Still no clue what it was, but it validates that he and his grandfather saw something unusual. It was near the horizon; they had to keep moving as the object moved behind the landscape.

  2. I have been looking at this object through my telescope for the last couple weeks. It is surely multicolored as the colors can be seen with the naked eye. When I zoom in it looks like 3 rotating rings, like a gyrosphere. Telescope playing tricks on me? I look at other stars and do not see these colors or the movement. It is truly a phenomenal sight.
