Sunday, July 29, 2012

Blue/Teal Colored Flash In The Sky Over Queens New York

Date:  July 26, 2012
Time:  Approx: 3:00 a.m.

I live in on the border of queens by by JFK Airport and I got home late from a concert and I was in my backyard when I saw a flash. I grew up next to this airport and I'm 25 I've never seen something so bright before with no explanation.

It was a blue/teal flash that occurred a couple times giving of an illusion of daylight. There were no planes in the air due to Cloud cover. I also used to work for the US army parachute team, nothing I can think of can cause that light I had Goosebumps for about 30 minutes after the event.

And please feel free to email me back I'm extremely interested in this subject my whole life. Thanks.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) website:


  1. I seen this same thing just a few minutes ago in Elizabethtown KY, standing outside having coffee just looking around in the dark it lit up half of the sky and I thought it was an explosion of some sort but there was absolutely no noise, it didn't even cause a stir in our Chihuahua's who are usually barking at their own shadows. I was terrified, even went to wake up my husband who is an army vet and used to work on the tank range here in Etown thinking he may know of something they may be firing but he just told me I was crazy. Your blog is the only thing I've seen yet still no explanation :/

  2. I seen the same thing this morning between 4:30-5am in Elizabethtown KY, standing in the back door drinking coffee there was a flash of light, almost like an explosion or lightning but silent. The sky went from pitch black to almost teal/light blueish color for a few seconds. Confused and amazed but mostly scared I woke my husband who is an army vet and worked on the range here in Etown wondering if he knew of anything it could have been but no luck, he poked fun at me and went back to bed... it's been an hour now and the area it covered seems to be a lot brighter than the rest of the sky... ever figure out what this was?
