Sunday, December 16, 2012

10 To 15 Pink/Salmon Colored Lights Flying Over Long Island New York

Date:  December 15, 2012
Time:  Approx: 9:20 p.m.

Hi, I know this is going to sound weird, but I too saw about 10-15 pink almost salmon colored lights approximately 9:20 p.m. I was on the stoop with my dog waiting for Santa with the fire department and I looked up and saw 2 pinkish light almost side by side, but angled.

I then noticed 2 more then 2 more and so on. I have a video of them on my iPhone, but it's grainy and you can't see the color, but you can see the number. As they flew over it was dead silent and then they all passed over and disappeared into the clouds!

Anyone else in NY report this?

I immediately called my mom to tell her what I saw. I thought it might have been President Obama's aerial escorts crossing over Long Island to head to Connecticut for the school shooting memorial, but it was too quiet for that.

Please let me know if I am the only New Yorker to have seen this and will be more than happy to send the video to you.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

1 comment:

  1. My mom called me last night here in the Bronx she saw out her window various lights and she described it as fire coming out of it. Then it would disappear. This happened for atleast 6 min. Then it stopped. Time about 11 pm
