Date: September 23, 2012
Time: Around midnight.
Hi Brian, found your site today while I was looking around the Internet to see if anyone else had seen red lights in the Brevard County sky last night.
I was unable to sleep, it was around midnight, and I had just let the dog outside when I looked up in the sky (looking south toward Melbourne Beach - I live in Indialantic) and I saw two bright glowing red "orbs?"
They were circular and appeared to be heading towards me, I kind of freaked out because I thought we were getting bombed or a couple meteors were crashing into earth.
I tried to wake my husband but he refused to budge. When I went outside again, one was gone and the other was high in the sky again and seemed to be pulling away (getting smaller) then it just vanished like "poof".
I wondered if it was parachutists? I have no clue. Very strange! Just thought I'd share.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/
To the person who has seen these red lights in the sky over Melbourne. I have been very close to one of these in Indialantic about 50ft above the plaza near LongDogger's in January of 2012. This object was not a lantern, swamp gas, airplane or anything I have ever seen. It was the size of a red traffic light made no sound and was stationary after coming down from the sky under the flight path of a Delta commercial flight at approx. 8pm. A young couple was watching it with me and after about 1-2 minutes it turned and drifted away and dissappeared. I could almost see a back to it that was not illuminated.
My boyfriend and I were outside on new years eve at midnight, right after ball dropped 2013 and saw orange lights in sky 3 or 4 triangle turning to like rectangle shaped. Reading the post and seeing that this happened in Palm Bay/ Melbourne at midnight is weird seeing as our sighting was exactly that. Strange
Yes! Yes Yes Yes!
I just saw it, Not even 5 minutes ago. I just rushed to the internet to find out what they were.
I saw one of the "Orbs" go across the sky, in melbourne on my way home from work.
Then, I saw two more. Soundless glowing orange. They flickered and then just disappeared.
They looked to me like the glow from rockets. They flickered as they moved across the sky, and then burned out.
I was thinking it could be a rocket launch at first, but NASA is in the complete opposite direction. It seems to me like they were in the direction of Patrick Air Force Base.
I think it could be a testing of some anti missile defenses or someting? Or maybe propulsion systems? They are an air force base after all.
I'm not worried yet, I'd just like to know what they are.
I just saw the same thing.. At least 4-5 bright reddish orange lights, moving slowly from the west to east, towards me (in north melborne), then seemed to have gotten dimmer as if they were moving upwards and then each one vanished. there were a few prop planes and jets in the sky at the time, but these didnt have any blue, white, or red lights. they just sort of dimmed and flickered like a candle. very strange. especially how they all followed the same path and ended up going straight up and vanishing.
I have just witnessed the same as some others here in central Polk County. I was just out walking the dog when I noticed these 2 red lights in the sky. A neighbor was driving past and also saw them. He said he has seen these on several occasions. One suddenly went vertical and faded out while the other drifted to the east. It too eventually went more vertical and faded away.
Just saw today in Cape Canaveral at 9-9:30pm what looked like a Chinese lantern red and orange it was moving along with the air current then faater north above A1A. What is it?
This occurred again last night (26 April 2014) over Titusville. Three orange / red orbs traveling west. No sound, no "tail". My son and I both saw them and I'm sure many others did too. Waiting to hear more news.
Omg I saw them to three of them circling around then they just shot off..
I saw a reddish light, like a ball with a tail moving quickly to the east and disappearing in the middle of the sky. I was arriving to my work in Osceola County at 6:34 AM
MY MOM AND I JUST SAW THEM! We live in North Merritt Island. I was standing on the back porch and happened to look up and I saw two glowing orange orbs floating through the sky. One was on top of another and when I called my mom to look at them they had moved and formed a triangle and then haut disappeared like "poof"! Then not even 5 seconds later two more appeared and were very bright orang red glowing orbs that moved in the same direction as the previous ones. They didn't form a triangle though, they got dimmer and haut pretty much dissipated and disappeared. Then all of a sudden there were about 100 planes in the sky all going towards were it happened. I live in between Patrick Air Force Base and NASA. It kinda freaked us out, so we went searching online and we found this blog!! All of your stories are the exact same as what we saw!!! And our cameras would not work at all. We have professional grade cannons and they wouldn't focus on anything outside...then after the orbs disappeared and my mom and I came inside, they worked perfectly and I also took a picture of a tree outback. But it wouldn't work before...Anyone else a little freaked out?
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