Date: October 23, 2012
Time: Approx: 7:45 p.m.
Hi, just found your site. Wanted to let you know I saw orange lights over the ocean off the coast of Oak Island, NC this evening at around 7:45 p.m.
Two groups of two or three lights, one group in a horizontal row the other vertical. They were large orange orbs. I stopped the car and got out to look and the lights winked out.
The location was at the beach near the 46th street soccer field. I saw the same type of lights in the same location this summer at around 10:00 p.m. one night.
I'm interesting in hearing more about these lights and what the theory is about them.
Other people including large groups, in our community have seen them as well.
I'd appreciate more info about these lights.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal-2.blogspot.ca/
We saw them as well around thanksgiving. Best explanation is "swamp gas" or "Will-o-the Wisp"
About a dozen lights floating through the air over our home to the ocean. I think they came from a Marsh.
We saw the orange lights as well. We believe it's swamp gas or Will-o-the Wisp. About 10 small lights floated right over our home and out to sea. I think they came from the Marsh behind us..
Japanese floating paper lanterns. "Wishing lanterns". Pretty sure I launched a bunch on those dates in that same area.
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