Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Missing Time In New York

Posted: April 1, 2009

Date: June 15, 1956
Time: 2:00 p.m.

Weather Conditions: Warm - sunny

Description: I was 12 and I lived in the country. I always went out in the woods with my loyal dog, who stood by me always. We were enjoying nature- there was a creek in the pasture behind the house. I tried to catch salamanders and crayfish. One of these days we were at the creek and for no reason I appeared in another part of the woods and my dog was nowhere by me. It was getting dark (I always stayed close to the house.) I hollered for my dog and eventually he came running to me. I didn't know where I was - the woods smelled different. I followed the sun so I could get a direction home - what a surprise- I had to cross a road and climb a barbed wire fence to get back - I was terrified! I had always stayed close to home and had no explanation of being in a place I'd never seen or been before and to have my dog away from me. Of course I was young and didn't think anything of it.

Then six years later I was driving home on a dark lonely road, coming from the city, and I never drank of smoked!- anyhow, when I got close to home ( it was almost 11 pm) and living in the country you only have a few roads to travel on, it was very dark and I was anxious to get home. I remember passing a road that was only a little way from my turn off.

The next thing I see is me in my car at a stop sign and it is very foggy, I didn't recognize the name on the sign. I turned right and tried to recognize something, I estimate that I was 35 miles from my home and it was so late - I found a main road and headed back home.

You know, I have a message - if you are going to take us, at least put us back where you found us!

So, do you think I should explore this further?

I moved from NY to AZ so I wouldn't be afraid anymore - and so far it has worked!

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

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