Monday, January 7, 2013

Amber Colored Lights Seen In The Sky From South Park San Diego California

Date:  December 31, 2012
Time:  10:52 p.m.

Re: 4 Amber Colored Lights Seen From San Diego (South Park), CA On New Year's Eve, December 31, 2012

Hello Mr. Vike, our UFO sighting occurred on December 31, 2012 (New Year's Eve) at 10:52 p.m. from San Diego (South Park), California. The unexplainable lights were both seen and videoed from within our car (a PowerShot SD4000 IS was held out of our sunroof), while we were sitting at the NE corner of Grape Street and 31st Street looking slightly north and west. 

The lights appeared to be over the eastern end of Balboa Park, near the golf driving range. The sighting lasted approximately a minute and a half. We were coming home from a children's New Year's Eve party.

Several blocks back we had just crested a hill and were coming down a slight incline to the point where we were stopped at a stop sign.

The road continues into a slight downward pitch from there, but from where we were stopped, we were at a decent elevation to get a good view of the sky to the west.

Hanging in the sky, about 30 degrees off the horizon were four amber colored lights.

The lights were probably as high as a high flying kite, but not up where airplanes fly.

There were houses, power lines and trees in our field of view, but the lights were high enough in the sky to be easily seen. 

They were bright as or brighter than airplane lights. They really stood out in the sky.

There were no strobes or red or green lights that you would expect to see on planes.

The lights flickered an amber or reddish color.

They were moving in unison very slowly from north to south, but they did seem to move independently of one another. The lead light (to the left as they headed south) was at the highest elevation. Each respective trailing light was at a slightly lower elevation. 

They all seemed to increase their elevation slightly during the span of the sighting.  This did not appear to be one large lighted craft, but several lights spread out over a fairly large distance, maybe hundreds of feet separating each one. It seems to me that they flickered out.

There were three adults (two over 40, one over 30 and one child over 5). I should note that I had not been drinking. The other adults may have had a little.

I live near the San Diego Airport and these lights were not in the flight path (which is to the south of our location) and they were not airplane lights.

I did post my video to Youtube, to see if others out there also saw these lights. About 19 seconds into our video should give you the best idea of what was seen. My boy's comments regarding "fireflies" was cute, but not at all a proper description of the scene before us. 

The camera did not really pick up the full brightness of the lights. They were not star-like, as it appears in the video, but bright like when a plane is flying directly at you. They really caught our attention.

Here is the URL to the Youtube video:

We surmised that they might be Chinese Lanterns, as has been a common occurrence on New Year's past in the city of El Cajon, CA.

Please let me know if there have been any other sightings in San Diego in the days around this date.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

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