Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Red Object Light Over Sacramento California

Date:  January 8, 2012
Time:  9:40 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Single red object.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: At 9:40 p.m. on 1-08-12 I noticed glowing red object rising from 30 degrees above the horizon north/north east moving to 50 degrees above the east horizon.
The object was visible for approximately 4 minutes moving in a slow climb until the light grew smaller and disappeared. The object was not an airplane as airplanes and their multicolored lights were visible in the sky at the same time. No sound was heard.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) website:


Anonymous said...

I go out at night, usually after 2:am with my cat. I've been noticing an extremely bright red "star"? That I don't believe is the planet mars due to the brightness. Since I have not studied the location of stars, planets and constellations since childhood I don't know if this is normal for this time of year. Iv been watching and trying to identify this object via the internet with little success so far. I have felt compelled to watch the sky for the last few months. Can anyone name this object as a planet, satellite, star or other? If so, please do!

Anonymous said...

Me and my BF saw the same light last night in the sky. It traveled in a triangular pattern befor flying away slowly.

We live in East Sacramento, CA

Anonymous said...

I saw a red glowing object Saturday night 4/7/2013. It was around 9:12pm at night > I was driving home on I-50 west bound. Around power Inn exit not quite to Sacramento State 65th Street exit. I notice a egg shaped/ circle hoovering slowly in the sky. It had a light yellow smaller light within the red glowing area. I wanted to watch it longer, but as I was driving I could only see it in my view for about 30 seconds.