Sunday, December 30, 2007

San Mateo, California A Triangle All Lit Up Comes To A Stop

Posted: December 30, 2007

Date: July 4 or 5th, 1985 - 1986 (?) Time: 8:00 p.m.

We where on Hillsdale Boulevard on front lawn of house.

It was the hottest day on record in I think like 20 years or something

Approach Direction: Traveled north stopped went sharp up stopped then went sharp down then stopped creating what looked like to be a triangle from point to point then hit took off up and away to the east fast as lightning. Departure Direction: East and up high and out of sight. Witness Direction: South.

Description: Me and my friend were lying on the lawn on a hot summer night looking at the stars and the way the universe rounds around us and then that's when we saw it come fast from the south heading in our direction. It was high up in the sky. Then it suddenly stopped hovered completely still then did its up down thing and then took off.

Color/Shape: It was shaped like a triangle and was lit up. it was far away so that is all the detail I could see. I couldn't see if it had windows or a hatch or anything like that.

Height & Speed: Couldn't tell you whether it was 2 or 10 miles high. ?

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

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