Sunday, January 27, 2008

Iowa City, Iowa Dinner Plate UFO Flips In The Sky

Posted: January 27, 2008

Date: 2007 (?)
Time: Between 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Like a dinner plate/disk/Frisbee like.
Weather Conditions: Clearly can see surroundings!

Description: Coming from Coralville into Iowa City on my way home. I'm in the passengers seat talking to my brothers girlfriend about an event that had took place earlier that day. As we approach the Iowa City overpass near the hospital I noticed up in the left hand sky about 20 30 feet above trees, what at first seemed to be a plane or something. I didn't really think anything of it but I kept my eyes on it as she continued to speak to me. At this point I'm a bit concerned because I'm seeing a red light but, it's not in sequence.

I'm thinking all the air crafts that I've ever seen in my life had flashing lights, maybe it's just me. Anyways after about 45 seconds to a minute, maybe less with mind blowing speeds this object/UFO or whatever shot forward a great distance,this is when my brothers girlfriend was like "Did you see that" then it came back to it's original position then flipped a sideways 360 perfectly and at the strangest angle smoothly in great view came over to the right of the her vehicle and then out of sight behind the hospital buildings.

The way that this object maneuvered was unexplainable. I know that it has the ability to adjust is speed extremely. The red light underneath I don't know what that's all about. All I know is that we seen this crazy UFO. I watched Larry King live, saw the program, visited this web site and here I am. One thing I would like to say is no I'm not a trained observer but weather anyone believes me or not I have a whiteness and I feel like I know the truth regardless of objection. I'm a believer now and will remain one! Thank you for listening whoever you all are, so long.

Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.

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