Date: June 11, 2007 Time: 8:20 p.m.
Approach Direction: Overhead at first coming down and then to the east, it was an overcast day with some breaks of clear sky. Departure Direction: Turned at 70-80 degrees to head south east toward lake Oswego Lake. Witness Direction: South.
Description: At about 8:20 pm in the evening my wife and I were out walking the dog not far from our home. We unleashed the dog and I made a comment that this would be a good place for a UFO to land. The area is a rounded field with a few large fir trees on the periphery. I looked up and said what is that, pointing with my finger at about 70-80 degrees up and slightly to the right. My wife said what is that? The object appeared to be black and coming down toward us and started to change shape and move to the left, like there was a rotating movement of something around the object. It appeared to dance around and spin causing a very unusual but pleasurable sensation between my eyes and an uncontrollable feeling of happiness, giggling and laughter at which time. I shook my head as to come out of a trance like state looking at the ground and said again as I was laughing what is that?
At this time I saw a flash, like a large object creating a shadow on the ground flash quickly by. To our surprise the object was now directly in front of us moving to the east by northeast at about 5-10 miles per hour behind some large fir trees. The object appeared to be a black saucer shaped or hang glider shaped with nobody underneath and it made no sound, was definitely flat on the bottom, gently rounded to the top and appeared to be wobbling slightly as it moved. It then made a 70-80 degree turn and flew toward the lake. My wife could now see the object better than I due to my vantage point which now was obstructed by some trees. She later told me that the object had frightened her at this point because she said it was turning and heading for us at a high rate of speed and had a cloud around it, after which she left. When I next saw the object it appeared to be heading again to the south by southeast and I continued to watch the object get smaller and smaller for about 5 to 10 minutes until it was a tiny dot.
Color/Shape: Black saucer shape flat on the bottom.
Height & Speed: 1000 feet when first sighted above us. Continued flying in front of us at approx. 5-10 miles per hour. Height estimated to be 20-30 feet and then away from us height, approx: the same.
TV/Radio/Press: NO
Thank you to UFOINFO for this report.
Additional Information:
Brian Vike of HBCC UFO Research had a nice talk with the eyewitness who gave a great description of what he witnessed, a very interesting sighting, I also asked the witness if he might be able to send along a diagram of the UFO event, in which I just received tonight and you can view the diagram by clicking on the "media" link below.

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