Tuesday, January 12, 2010

White Beams Of Light Shoots Downward Seen Above East San Jose California USA

Date: December 31, 2009
Time: Approx: 11:00 p.m.

Location of Sighting: East San Jose.
Number of witnesses: 5
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Straight lines.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I was at a New Years eve party at my step-sister's house. Me and a few friends were outside, when my step mom came out to take pictures of the glowing circle around the full moon that was out that night. We were all looking up at the sky, when I looked a ways down and saw a white beam shooting down. At first I thought it was a police helicopter.

As it got closer I notice no noise or the blue and red lights that are typical on helicopters and planes. As the beam got closer, I noticed the beam became more horizontal instead of vertical. As soon as it was completely vertical, it shot over our heads like a shooting star leaving a white trail behind it.

As soon as that happen, simultaneously another object shot in the opposite direction leaving a dark grayish straight trail. The two lines were parallel to each other and completely straight. The two streaks started coming together never changing their width or straightness. We were all looking up in amazement telling each other "are you seeing this?" We kept watching as two lines met and you can see what looked like little partials showering down. No one could explain what happen that night.

The following weekend me and another friend from the NYE party met up with some other friends and we talked about what we seen and to our amazement. They witness the same event we seen. The next day one of my friends showed me a posting from this site that was similar to what we saw. All we can come up with is that we live close to Livermore Lab and who the heck know what goes on over there. Hopefully this gets to the right person and they can explain what was in the sky that night.

PS. My step mom may have pictures of this. Will post them if she does.

Email Brian Vike: v_factor_paranormal@live.com

Brian Vike, Director of The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/

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