Date: January 3, 2007 Time: 5:25 p.m.
Good Day Brian (and welcome back), After many months of not seeing anything unusual in the skies, I finally had a sighting. Although it's unclear as to what the object may be, it was very bright and appeared to be hovering and moving at a much lower elevation that normal 'air-traffic'. The size is undetermined yet due to it's brightness and it's low elevation it's assumed to be at least as large as a mid-size vehicle. This assumption is based on previous captures at the same focal range using the same camera and lenses. But this is still a best-guess and more of a conjecture assumption on my part.
I was outside behind my house and was feeding my dog. I happen to glance towards the skyline as I always do when ever I'm outside and noticed what I thought was a large low-flying craft. But it did not move and it was much to soon for there to be any hint of celestial bodies and the sun was just setting. I observed it for almost a full ten seconds and then rushed in to grab my camera (which was about eight feet away. I quickly started recording and the object just about the same time it started moving from a stationary position to a trajectory towards the southeast. I continued to record this event until it was hidden by the house's roofline.
No sound was noticed to be associated with this object. The shape is assumed to be a oval shape. Speed was undetermined. No pulsations or strobing was observed by the craft. There was other high flying air-traffic observed, one is seen to pass by the object. I was the sole witness of this event.
UFORA Member Johnny Anonymous
Thank you to John for sending in the report and footage.

To view the footage and photo please click on the below links. This is the media section.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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