Monday, January 21, 2008

John Tosti Story - Regression With Dr. Woodman Medical Amnesia Hypnotherapist Part 1

Posted: January 21, 2008

The Iowa regression with Dr. Woodman medical amnesia hypnotherapist.

John initially did not think that he could be regressed. He was prepared to tell Dr Woodman that he was sorry that he had come all this way and it did not work because he was a poor subject. However this was not the case and he turned out to be an excellent subject. It was not as he expected for it was rather easy that he thought. John was talking one minute to the Doctor and in another moment found himself on the beach feeling the sun, the breeze and the smell of the ocean. It was like he was there and then suddenly he was crouching down behind the tree staring at a bright light.

Regression sessions with Dr. Woodman, hypnotherapist , medical amnesia specialist.

John initially did not think that he could be regressed. He was prepared to tell Dr Woodman that he was sorry that he had come all this way and it did not work because he was a poor subject. However this was not the case and he was in for a surprise. It was not as he expected as all. John was talking and found himself on the beach, not talking to Dr. Woodman but feeling the sun, the breeze and the smell of the ocean. It was like he was there and then suddenly he was behind the tree.

Dr Woodman: “You tell me that you are aware of something coming towards you and your friend was the first to go down to the ground and hide himself behind this tree and then you followed suite?”

John Tosti: Yes

Dr. W. “Tell me then what you saw when this happened.”

JT: “I see a… I see a big red glowing ball. It’s down in the gully. It is not the moon - I thought it was the moon but it is not the moon. Jim is asking me; he wants me to get down on my knees. Jim is on one knee. The red light goes out. I see… that they have lights on their heads like coal miners. I am worried about Jim getting shot. I’m thinking that they are hunters and they are walking straight towards us. I am on my knees now and I am behind the tree. Jim and me are both behind the tree. I look around the tree and I can see them, they are walking straight towards us. “

Dr. W. “ What was your feeling at that time, were you scared?”

JT “Yeah, I was thinking that it was hunters and I did not want to get shot. I have got to be still and not make any noise “

Dr W. “ How far away are you as you watched them?”

JT “ Probably about 100 feet – maybe 50 feet away, they were walking right towards us and making a lot of noise. I could hear them walking towards us. The rustling sound of their footsteps was getting louder. I am telling Jim not to move because I don’t want Jim to get shot. I am thinking that if they are hunters and we just lay still they won’t hear us so they won’t try to shoot us.” “For some reason, I am looking around the tree again and I can see them, they are right here, they are right on the other side of the tree where we are at. I got my gun and I took it off safety and I am trying to put myself in between me and Jim because I don’t want nothing to happen to Jim. (The memories recounted are traumatic to John and the fear in his voice is apparent. His voice now sounds audibly distressed on the regression tape)

Dr W. “You’re safe, very, very safe…very safe, you are in Clinton Iowa, this happened a long time ago. Take a deep breath in ….and out . tell me what happens next.”

JT: “ We are standing there and all I can see are the lights. They are on their heads and shining on my face. I am raising my gun up. I am telling them to get the hell out of here. I don’t want them to be here. This is my land and I don’t .. I will tell them to leave for trespassing. They are still standing there. And Uh ..OH it’s strange… they look like… I can see one of them and it looks like a fireman.”

Dr. W. “Why do you say that, can you describe what you see please? “

JT: “Yeah, he has got, uh, a hat on. It looks like a fireman’s hat.

Dr, W, “ With a light on? “

JT: “With a light on. He has got a …. it looks like a long jacket on.. It looks like a fireman.”

Dr. W. “ Is he a big guy like you? “

JT: “Yeah, he is big, I think he is bigger than I am. I am trying to figure out what is going on. And the other one behind him is trying to get over to Jim. He looks like a fireman too.”

Dr. W.: “ So you tell them to leave, from your property and he does not leave, so then what is the next thing that happens? “

JT: “He is just standing there. He has a funny looking smile on his face. “

Dr. W. “ OK, what is the next thing that happens, very, very, safe…take a deep breathe and let it out and when I touch your hand you are going to be twice as deep and twice as safe. What happens next?”

JT: “I can hear Jim and Jim is behind me and he is telling them too to go away. Jim is raising up his gun and Jim says that he is going to shoot. And they are not listening to us. They are just standing there. They are not moving.

Dr. W.:” So what happens next? Move forward in time. Safe, very, very safe, it happened a long time ago and you really want to know what happened. Allow your thoughts to come out. “

JT: “I am just seeing black. I can’t see.”

Dr. W. “ Move forward in time, what is the next thing that you can see? “

JT: “I see a…. it looks like I can see Jim and Jim is screaming. He was screaming at the….at the… telling him to let him go. Don’t touch me. Jim was getting really mad. I think Jim thinks that he is going to try to shoot us. I don’t know. Jim is mad and that guy was trying to grab him or something. I am trying to pay attention to the guy who is right in front of me and I can hear Jim and he is telling him to let him go and.

I am getting cold. I am feeling cold.

Dr. W. “ That’s fine just relax. You are in Clinton Iowa and very, very safe. What is the next thing you know, are you cold?”

JT: “I am cold”

More to follow.

Thank you to John Tosti.

Thank you to the witness for his report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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