Sunday, January 20, 2008

Brooklyn ,Wisconsin Circles In A Horse Pasture And Ash Like Substance (Solved)

Posted: January 20, 2008

Updated: Fungus Ring !

HBCC UFO Research Note: I just received this letter below from a person who has found circles on their horse pasture. The ash-like material seems to have caused a bad reaction for the person who touched it. Photos are going to be taken and sent along to me, but in the mean time I have contacted some of the experts in the field who investigate circles of different kinds. My request is if anyone living in the Brooklyn/Belleville, Wisconsin has been witness to a UFO sighting, or another unusual event over the last few weeks would they please contact me here at HBCC UFO Research with a detailed description of the experience.

Date: October 8, 2006

Brian, I am writing to request information on contacts for unusual activity in our area. Tonight, we found 2 circles in our horse pasture, one approximately 12-15 feet across and the other was not quite a complete circle about 25 feet in diameter. The smaller circle contained 3 small piles of an ash-like substance - almost equally spaced out in the circle. The larger circle contained only 1 visible pile.

We have suspected "UFO" activity in on our property before, but this really has me freaked out! I finding this freaky, and fascinating, so it has prompted me to at least speak out for suggestions, opinions, etc.

Also, I rubbed the ash-like material around my fingers and within 10 minutes, I felt light-headed and my throat is "filling-up". The light-headedness past within a minute or tow, but my throat still has the full feeling. I am also a very allergic person, so if it was anything foreign, it would not surprise me in the least to react to it. Any comments?

Quick/Short Update:

Since I have been on-line, we have had 2 flashes of bright, white lights pass along our front windows! They are quick and have no specific origin. I am not really scared, but I have to admit to some nervous energy!!!!! My throat has cleared and I am feeling better, so thank you.

Thank you to the witness for the very interesting report. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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