Sunday, October 9, 2011

Huge Green Beam Of Light Comes From UFO Over Central Ohio

Date: 2009 (?)
Time: Evening.

I saw the article at about the green beam of light coming from the sky, and I've had a very similar experience in 2009.

Before I get started, I'd just like to say that I'm a skeptic and an Atheist, so I don't think it was some "spirit" or anything, and I'm not exaggerating to try to make it sound like a had a "close encounter" or whatever. The following is really the only reason I have for believing that there may be ET's visiting us.

I was on the way back home from my mothers house (Central, Ohio) when a huge green beam of light coming from about 10 feet above a large tree that was about 75 feet behind us. It started shining inside of the car and zig-zagging all over the place, lighting up about a 50 feet radius.

My buddy was driving and he thought it was just someone messing with us or something, as I did too at the moment, so he threw the car in reverse and backed up to the tree it was coming from and shouted for "whoever's shining that light in my mirror get the heck out here!

I can't see where I'm going, you're lighting up the whole inside of the car and it stopped. We sat there for a minute, then continued on our way. As soon as we started driving again, the light started zig-zagging at a more and more rapid pace illuminating what I'd guess was about a 500 feet radius, it lit up the whole damn neighborhood pretty much.

It was at that point when I realized where it was coming from, like I said, about 10 feet above the tree. It continued to follow us all the way down the road, keeping up with us the whole time. Throughout the whole rest of the way home which was about 8 miles, we could see green orb-like lights throughout the woods on both sides of us and when we got into town they just vanished and I've never seen anything like it since.

It's wasn't 40 feet wide, or coming from the ocean, but it seems like a really similar incident; green beam of light coming from seemingly nowhere. Thanks for your time.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. website:

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